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Hey there…
Bret here. Want to hear a story?
I reckon you’ll like this one…
… Especially if you’re feeling frustrated, annoyed, (maybe even angry), at the amount of time and money you pour into trying to grow your business…
… For what seems like very little (Or let’s admit it, disappointing) results!
And don’t worry… If it makes you feel any better… You’re not alone with this one…
From the hundreds of businesss owners I’ve coached and mentored over the last 7 years, here’s what I’ve found…
Still with me? Good. Now lean in close while I tell you this story…It’s a true story – About a group of 30 business owners… probably much like yourself really…
Big dreams… Hard working… Great at what they do…
And a permanent “itch” for more success.
On top of that, these 30 business owners had one other thing in common… And that was…
The $5,000 program they all signed up for promised to help them create their own profitable marketing funnel to get more leads and sales online.
What’s that? You want a quick reminder of what a marketing funnel is exactly? No problem…
In layman’s language, a marketing funnel (or Sales Funnel) is simply a marketing campaign that brings you in leads (or enquiries), then, if you’re smart, automatically up-sells those leads into a sale (or appointment)…
… And the whole thing is on autopilot, bringing you in new leads and sales while you sleep!
(Well, that’s what the big promise was anyway)
To make your marketing funnel profitable, what you need to do is… Get your webpages converting high enough so you make more money in sales than you spend driving traffic to your funnel.
In fact, if you do this right… and you essentially make money for acquiring a new customer, then your business growth and profit will be inevitable…
It’s pretty much the HOLY GRAIL of MARKETING
Look, you might need to go back and re-read that so it “sticks”, but I’m going to press on anyway…Anyway, back to the story of the $5,000 training…
To paint the picture, this training was largely video tutorials, live webinars, private coaching and critiques with the “Gooroo”, plus a bunch of short-cut resources.
On the outset… It looked pretty amazing.
A sure-fire way for these 30 members
to grow their business, and fast.Rumour has it, in the first few weeks, the energy and excitement was high amongst these guys and gals…The training videos were being devoured with a glutenous appetite from them all…
The live webinars were running HOT with questions and answers.
Jaw-dropping-insights and breakthroughs were a common practise inside this exclusive club.
And the Gooroo? Equally excited. He knew exactly what this group needed and set out on a plan to keep the information flooding in.
So the Gooroo started uploading more training videos and tutorials… His team created more worksheets and templates to make it even EASIER for the members to stay on the promised path.
He even tracked down and interviewed world-leading-experts to share their knowledge with these 30 sharp go-getters.
He was feeling very proud of the high-quality tutorials and content he was punch’n out…
But something happened along the way…
After a few months he noticed the group had quietened down. Less people were fronting up to the webinars… And you know all those new videos he was creating? Well, umm, they had hardly been watched.This was worrying…
“I know”, said the Gooroo. “I’ll give them all a personal phone call to see how they’re going.”
So he did.
And so the story goes, pretty much no-one had started building their funnel.
When he asked them why, the feedback went something like this…
“I’ve been too busy”
“I haven’t had a chance to implement anything”
“I’m still unsure of what to offer”
“I’m not very technical and don’t know where to start”
“I was planning on going back over everything but haven’t had a chance.”
And so on and so forth…
But there was one comment that ROCKED the Gooroo.
“There doesn’t seem to be any clear direction from you”OUCH!
This was a BIG slap-in-the-face-wake-up-call for the Gooroo. He thought the tutorials were enough and people would start implementing.
But when he thought about it, he realised…
How STUPID it was for him to expect that?!?!
Idiotic, even.He should’ve known better… And I’m going to tell you why…
Okay, let’s press pause here for a second.
Listen up.
If you haven’t already realised… Do you wanna guess who this Gooroo was?
You probably nailed it… It was non other than yours truly – Mr So-called Hotshot Marketer – ME!
(FYI – I don’t EVER call myself a Guru – Only when I’m taking the mickey out on myself)
Don’t worry… All the 30 members are back on track kick’ngoals!… And I’m about to show you how…
And this is where the story get’s interesting… Because this is where YOU come in, so pay attention…
Before I reveal what happened next, let me say this…
I want to make an embarrassing
(but honest) admissionIf I added up the amount of money I’d spent on courses, programs and mentoring that I DIDN’T take action on and FINSH!… Well, let’s just say, I’d probably be able to buy a house outright!So, you’re not alone…
Even I have a bunch of unwatched DVD’s, dust-covered workbooks, un-ticked to-do-lists, unclaimed coaching calls, and
non-actioned seminar notesIn other words… I should’ve known better than to expect my members to automatically implement.A NEW approach was needed…
When you boil it down… “Good intentions” are as useless as “potential” when it comes to getting results.
Meaning, without ACTION, “Good Intentions” will give you a BIG FAT ZERO return on investment.
You see…
There’s a HUGE GAP between
learning and earning!Luckily for me, I reversed this curse many moons ago and have been cashing in on this little known secret ever since.So what’s the cure?
In short, the answer is mastering IMPLEMENTATION.
(Side note: There are a few essential factors that make someone be an implementor, but I’ll get to that shortly)
In my experience, only a tiny (very small) percentage of people will go forward and implement what they’ve learnt. Most will never start, and some will start but fail to finish.
In the case of my 30 new members… It didn’t matter about my success…
It didn’t matter that I was the marketing brain behind one of the country’s most successful marketing funnels that…
Transformed a business from $3Million to $40Million in 18months…
It didn’t matter that only a few weeks before I started their program, I successfully launched a new software online and pulled in over 4500 lead and made $110,000 in sales in 3 weeks.That won’t make a scrap of difference to make someone take action, right?
And NO… Even the fact that my beautiful bride Lynika and I recently invested over $25,000 to personally work with arguably the worlds best marketing funnel experts in the US… Did that instigate anyone to take action?
I even thtupidly thought my HERO STORY of changing my clients sales funnel from making $500,000 in 4 weeks to a new improved version that made them $1.1 Million in sales in 2 weeks would impress people to take action.
And even though I had personally been involved in creating over $220 Million dollars of NEW sales across dozens of different industries…. SURELY that would fuel people’s motivation to take action, true?
Again, fool on me.
And you know what? It’s not there fault either.
Information without direction can cause mass confusion
Let me finish the story…Determined to SOLVE this dilemma of lack of action with my members, I came up with a plan…
I stripped back ALL the successful marketing campaigns I’ve been involved in over the last 8 years, and I found two common denominators.
The most successful campaigns had CLARITY & CONFIDENCE
Let’s look at clarity for a second…
To succeed in business, you don’t need the worlds best copywriter, web designer, developer or system… You just need to know “WHAT TO DO NEXT”
And that’s where most people struggle.They get overwhelmed with too many choices…
Do I do FaceBook, Adwords, SEO, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Blogging, Podcasts, blah, blah…
If you give a humanoid an infinite number of choices, they typically do nothing.
ALSO, and this one is BIG…I made another surprising discovery…
Even if you have the RIGHT strategy and direction… Here’s what I found…
It wasn’t always the strategy that made a campaign successful. A MAJOR contributor was the mindset of the client!
I believe that most people on this rotating rock called earth all feel they are NOT good enough in some way.
My experience is that most of us have some sort of self worth issue, some more than most of course, that crops up time to time.
Nothing wrong with that… Only when it limits you to take massive action, is it a problem. On the flip side, it can be a massive rocket fuel for greater personal success.
And those who nail this part of themselves, soar onto exciting new heights of success
Don’t believe me? Well… International Personal Growth Expert and Author, Anthony Robbins said, “Business success is 20% strategy and 80% mindset”
Lucky for me (and you)… My gorgeous Bride, Lynika Cruz – International Speaker and Best Selling Author of “Beggars CAN Be Choosers”, happens to be one of the world’s foremost experts in personal performance and mindset…
I know… A blessed man I am! She’s amazing beyond words.
If you haven’t heard Lynika’s story yet, then prepared to be blown away… We’ll get to that part shortly…
Back to the story…
Together, Lynika and I worked out a solution to get people to take MASSIVE ACTION with their marketing… and ultimately MAKE MORE MONEY!
I’ll give you the short version…
We decided to take a select group of our high-end members and take them though an intensive “7-Week Implementation Challenge”
Where for 7-weeks under our guidance, they design, create and build their very own profitable sales funnel online… So they grow their list AND make money at the same time!
The Ultimate Marketing Plan IN ACTION!
This is the exact blueprint formula I used to create some of the country’s most successful sales funnels, that contributed to over $220-Million in NEW SALES!It’s the blueprint roadmap I follow when I take on $25,000-$50,000 client.
And… wait for it… I’m going to give it to you FOR FREE!
Why would I give away my formula for free?
Here’s why…
Most people can’t afford the $25K-$50K price bracket for me to create their marketing campaigns. So I had a crazy idea…
I thought, why not HELP YOU make more money in your business for FREE… Then after you’ve made a pile of money by following my marketing funnel blueprint…
… I’m pretty sure (later on) if you ever wanted to work with someone to take your marketing to a whole new and exciting level, then I reckon I’d be the first person you’d call.
Well, that’s my theory anyway.
The risk is entirely on me.
All you have to do is TURN UP and I’ll show you how to make more money from your marketing than anything else you’ve ever tried.
But you’ll need to make a small time commitment, fair enough?
Tough it up… It’s all in your favour!
I want to help you make money. Plain and simple. And here’s how…
YES, the time has finally come…Lynika and I are finally hitting the stage together and we’re going to give you (YES GIVE YOU) the 7-Step Sales Funnel Blueprint for FREE!
And not only that…
We will HELP YOU fill it out and complete it on the day so it’s 100% personalised to YOUR business.
A step-by-step, join-the-dots Marketing ACTION Plan (on steroids)
You don’t have to feel confused, frustrated and overwhelmed about not knowing what your best next marketing moves are
You don’t have to feel confused, frustrated and overwhelmed about not knowing what your best next marketing moves are
You can look forward to feeling complete clarity, calmness and confidence knowing there’s a proven system and formula to follow and get results
You can look forward to feeling complete clarity, calmness and confidence knowing there’s a proven system and formula to follow and get results
You don’t have to worry about trying to “fit in time” after the seminar to fill out your plan… We’ll help you complete it on the day so you can start immediately
You don’t have to worry about trying to “fit in time” after the seminar to fill out your plan… We’ll help you complete it on the day so you can start immediately
You’ll be surrounded by like-minded business owners to bounce ideas of and compare notes and get instant feedback!
You’ll be surrounded by like-minded business owners to bounce ideas of and compare notes and get instant feedback!
READ THISEven if you don’t feel confident about your…
It doesn’t matter… We will have cheat-sheets, templates and checklists for you!
You’ll walk out feeling PUMPED, EXCITED, IN LOVE with your business again, and a proven action plan to implement!
All you have to do is priorities your time and turn up!
So go ahead and register now and let us blow you away with the most cutting edge usable marketing knowledge you’ll possibly ever hear.
The tickets are FREE so go now and book your seat…
This is a seminar for people
who hate seminars.What I mean is… No more sitting, listening, taking notes… and “hoping” to try and implement when you get home.That way is dead.
You know what happens with that plan, right?
A little thing called, LIFE?!?!
Scrap that… let’s roll up our sleeves and get it done AT THE EVENT!
It’s time to implement LIVE on the spot.
That’s the difference with this workshop.It’s a simple fill-in-the-blanks formula that’ll be like a roadmap for you to follow and build your next successful lead and sales funnel online – personalised to you and your niche!The best part is… This badboy blueprint is designed to MAKE you money while you sleep, so buying traffic is never an issue!
In other words, it’s like owning your own tricked-up ATM machine that gives you more money than you put in!
Think about it… Imagine putting in $50 and getting $100 in return… How many more times would you put in $50, right? I know… loaded question, but you get my point.
Well, that’s what can happen when you follow our 7-Step Sales Funnel Formula. You put in $50, $500, $2,000 or $10,000 of traffic to your funnel… And you get an instant positive return on investment.
That’s right amigo… You will actually make money every time you acquire a new lead… and not the other way around.
Anyway… Nuff telling… Time for showing.
I was only going to reveal a portion of my formula, but lately I’ve been getting all warm and fuzzy about GIVING back… So we decided to reveal it all on this page, right here…
Spend 3-days with us and walk away with 100% clarity of how to get more leads and sales by following our 7-Step Lead and Sales Formula
Here’s the brief outline of the 7-Step Formula…
Define Your Ideal Client/s (Avatar)
Define Your Ideal Client/s (Avatar)
Survey For Clarity
Survey For Clarity
Strategy and Product Creation
Strategy and Product Creation
Killer Copywriting
Killer Copywriting
Build Funnel and Split Test
Build Funnel and Split Test
Drive Traffic
Drive Traffic
Review & Improve
Review & Improve
At the event, we’ll walk you through this step-by-step and fill in the gaps – so you’ll have NO EXCUSES NOT TO MAKE IT WORK!Your own personalised BLUEPRINT!
And again… This event is an IMPLEMENTATION workshop.
Wait, what? You’re still reading? Oh I see… Need more convincing… Fair enough…
The macro (big picture) version is this…
This workshop is a perfect blend of marketing and mindset with a proven blueprint to help you design and build your own profitable lead and sales funnel… So you get more targeted leads and make money from your all marketing efforts.
Now, let me give you the micro (detailed) version of the content…
Heres an outline of how the day will roll…
Here’s what you’ll learn in this workshop:
Testimonials : Bret Thomson
A Rare And Privileged Opportunity To join some of the world’s leading marketing experts and industry leaders who use Bret Thomson (and his personally trained team of A -class writers) to create their most successful marketing campaigns!Millionaire Maker “Cuts Loose”
Marketing Genius Mal Emery reveals the single best move you can make in business today!“Over $300,000 in 5 Months”
Leading Internet Marketing Legends Andrew & Daryl Grant share why Bret is their #1 choice…Secret Weapon For Making Millions
Mr Motivation Pat Mesiti explains why Bret is one of the most creative, talented and intuitive copywriters he has EVER worked with“15 Million Per MONTH”
Faced with an urgent marketing dilemma, Property Investing Specialist, Konrad Bobilak, seeks out Bret’s help and now turns over $15 Million a monthBret’s information, expertise and advice have been fantastic.
Bret really gets to the heart of a business, and is not only an incredibly skilled copywriter, but also a great bloke who has the wonderful ability to give constructive criticism in the nicest possible way!-
“Bret can turn your business around fast. And I should know. Just one of his breakthrough strategies made us over $3.76 million dollars in pure profits.”
Superb! -
“You can no longer complain about needing more clients again because Bret has the answers. He’s an amazing marketer jam-packed full of “client attraction” tactics for you to apply immediately!”
Superb! -
“Bret helped us with just one of these Client Rush strategies and we made over $300,000 in less than 5 months. He offers easy-to-follow power packed methods crammed to the brim with powerful strategies and ideas of proven breakthrough marketing secrets. He’s one of those rare and valuable individuals you’ll benefit from over and over again.”
Superb! -
“Bret is one of the most talented copywriters and marketers ever to come out of this country. His must-have strategies are a treasure chest for any business owner serious about success. All of his proven ideas are jam-packed with practical solutions for finding clients in warp speed time… without breaking the bank.”
Superb! -
“In this dog-eat-dog competitive business world… you need all the help you can get to out-think and out-perform your competition. Bret has an ocean of ideas, tactics and examples to do just that. He’s truly an essential asset for any business.”
Superb! -
“Finally! An all-in-one marketing that masterfully combines direct-response marketing knowledge, compelling persuasion skills and proven client-attracting strategies. Any fee that Bret charges for his knowledge will always be under-priced, he’s that good. Hire him before your competition does.”
Superb! -
“Pure Gold. No more sulking about not finding clients… Problem solved when you allow Bret to help your business grow and prosper!His entertaining and engaging marketing style will keep your prospects hooked all the way… He always has an endless supply of client attraction solutions you can use right off the bat.”
Superb! -
“Bret Thomson is possibly the most experienced and effective expert on Direct Response Marketing in Australia. If there ever was a universal leader for finding clients, customers, or patients, he’d be the only person you’d ever need.”
Superb! -
“Bret knows all the latest trends, and his cutting edge expertise means that you get to hear what’s working out there in the marketplace and what’s not – and that is worth literally thousands of dollars to us. Bret really gets to the heart of a business, and is not only an incredibly skilled copywriter, but also a great bloke who has the wonderful ability to give constructive criticism in the nicest possible way! Thanks again Bret.”
Superb! -
“BretThomson is a true master of compelling words. He’s mastered the art of taking a client’s product or service and getting in the head of the prospects deepest wants, needs, fears, frustrations, and desires. From there Bret skilfully comes up with ‘the big idea’ for a campaign and then massages it into compelling words on paper. These compelling words ultimately result in money in the bank for his ever growing client base. I would strongly recommend Bret’s services and still use them to this day myself.”
Superb! -
“Working with Bret Thomson changes people’s lives. I’ve experienced it first hand with my own life and with the business lives of clients we have worked on together. Bret has an uncanny ability (a ‘gift’ really) to analyse a business, zero in on the right message for their market and then his creativity and flare produce the magic copy to bring in the bucks. I was successful but unhappy in my old job yet thanks to his expert guidance, support and ability to pass on his considerable knowledge, my life has been changed forever, to the point where I’ve landed a fulltime, 6-figure copywriting gig with none other than master marketer Mal Emery! Thanks Bret, I’ll be forever indebted to you.”
Superb! -
“When I looked at a sales letter I could recognise a great one from an average one … but I didn’t know why. When I attended Bret Thomson’s 7 Hour Sales Letter workshop in 2009, Bret revealed the fool proof strategies for writing a top gun sales letter. The mystery was unwrapped … and once I understood the structure – have been easily able to duplicate the process – time and time again. I was so impressed with Bret’s copywriting workshop – I joined his copywriting training program … and haven’t looked back. Twelve months later, I now write copy for some of the top internet marketers in Australia.”
Superb! -
“Just one of the letters he did for me, created over $100,000 in extra business, in just 7 days!He is a genius!”
Enough Learning! No More Overwhelm… It’s Time Implement And Start Making More Money From Your Marketing Efforts With This Proven Formula…
GRAB YOUR FREE SALES FUNNEL BLUEPRINT BASED ON OVER $220 MILLION OF SALES AND USE IT TO EXPLODE YOUR BUSINESS!Sit In On Australia’s #1 Marketing Implementation Workshop And Start Growing Your List Everyday While Making A Solid Pipeline Cashflow With An Automated Lead & Sales FunnelTestimonials : Lynika Cruz
“A powerful example of how, despite great odds, you can define your life by your choices, not your circumstance. You will find, through Lynika’s extraordinary story, your own inner strengths and courage and the key tools in which you too can transform your life.”
“This compelling, remarkable book is filled with universal wisdom and insight. You will be shocked, moved, and ultimately inspired by Lynika’s harrowing tale of survival against insurmountable odds. Beggars Can Be Choosers will reinstate your faith that anything is possible, despite what life throws at you.”
“Lynika Cruz is courageous and inspiring. Her determination, intelligence, bright spirit, and sheer grit helped her to survive a childhood of severe trauma and abandonment and emerge a beautiful, loving, creative woman. A stunning accomplishment! I greatly admire her finely-crafted poems which are full of vivid detail and emotional power.”
“Lynika Cruz encapsulates light, courage and tenacity. Her strength, resilience, and appreciation for the simplicities of life encompass so much of what I admire about her. Lynika is an incredibly gifted poet, writer, artist, speaker and deeply soulful woman. In her courageous and powerful book Beggars Can Be Choosers, Lynika teaches, inspires and encourages in ways that will give the reader immense hope and insight into transforming their life.”
“Lynika’s phenomenal story of overcoming incredible odds shows us that with strong beliefs, focused thought and a desire from the heart, anything is possible. For anyone who is hurting, in a difficult situation or simply lacking the energy, focus and tools to achieve their dreams, take heart. Lynika’s story is drenched with extraordinary wisdom, encouragement and practical insights that will fill you with hope and inspiration. I thoroughly recommend Beggars Can Be Choosers to anyone ready to turn their life into the powerhouse they’ve always dreamed it could be.”
Lynika Cruz
Lynika Cruz is a Transformational Speaker, Best Selling Author, Personal Performance Coach and online influencer.She is passionate about helping people make more compelling choices and creating empowerment and success in their lives. Lynika speaks and consults around the world. An insight into Lynika’s past shows where her drive, heart, passion and underlying success originate.
Lynika’s Story…
Lynika from early childhood had major life changing obstacles to overcome, having been abandoned as a 14-year-old schoolgirl, left to live on the streets for over 12 months, with nothing more than a small bag of clothes, some fruit, a few dollars and one book.
Despite the overwhelming amount of adversity at such a young age, Lynika went on to create a highly successful career after putting herself through correspondence school, getting herself a job and eventually earning three degrees.
For the past two decades Lynika has travelled to over 14 countries, worked, consulted and spoken to thousands of people from CEOs of Fortune 500 Companies, to celebrities, actors, authors & poets, and other successful leaders.
She’s worked with companies such as IBM, Channel 10, Channel 7, Sydney Commonwealth Games, World Expo 88, Avis and Macy’s in the USA.
She is the Author of several books including “Beggars CAN Be Choosers” – An Inspiring, True Story Of Strength and Triumph Over Adversity”.Her work also features in literary journals across Europe, Canada, Australia and the USA. Lynika is currently completing her Doctorate in Humanistic Science and working on her upcoming Book Series ‘Words to Wealth.’
She also works closely with her life-partner, Bret Thomson, in their company MarketingMakevoverHQ ® helping entrepreneurs grow their business to greater success through smarter and more effective marketing, plus mindset breakthroughs.
She continues to inspire and mentor worldwide, coaching and championing others into claiming success and empowerment in their lives.
Bret Thomson
Bret Thomson is one of Australia’s highest paid, in-demand copywriter/marketing & conversion strategists, best selling author, speaker, coach and mentor to thousands.
Bret has been the secret weapon behind some of the largest (and most profitable) direct response marketing campaigns in Australia. His wickedly effective ability to nail the BIG IDEA is admired and respected by even the most seasoned marketing experts.
Starting out in his own direct mail business, Bret’s name and reputation skyrocketed to legendary status very quickly when he took a product that was barely making any sales at $498, and sold it for a whopping $1,498, just by enhancing the copy.
Not only that – he outsold other distributors(who were still struggling to sell it at the old price) by 600%… making over $125,000 in his first 5 months of his start up business.
Mal Emery says, “Bret is one of the greatest copywriting talents to ever come out of this country. A rare talent who I personally pay big dollars to write for me.”
Before long, Bret was in hot demand by some of the worlds greatest marketers like Mal Emery, Andrew & Daryl Grant, Jamie McIntyre, Darren Stephens, Ari Galper, Spike Hummer, Jon Giaan, Pat Mesiti, Leon Jay, and the list goes on.
Starting from scratch, within 7 years, Bret’s marketing skills have contribute dto over $220 Million of new sales across dozens of different industries. He consistently creates successful multi-million dollar marketing campaigns for his clients.
Bret is a best selling author on the subject of direct response marketing, with his latest release being the highly regarded “Client Rush – 37 Proven Marketing Breakthroughs For Attracting More Clients Fast!”. Bret is a sought after Marketing expert, freelance copywriter, master conversion strategist, explosive and entertaining stage presenter and creator of some of the most popular copywriting and marketing programs and software in Australia.
Bret and his life-partner Lynika Cruz present at numerous seminars each year all over the world, and facilitate numerous coaching programs throughout Australia, combined with online mentoring to students from all over the world.